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- NPV - Net Present Value Calculator
- The net present value of a cash flow (at a given discount
- rate) is found by discounting all values in the cash flow back to
- the opening period ('now') and calculating their sum, taking into
- account the sign of each value. It yields a 'current value' for
- the cash flow, allowing for the time value of money (ie. $1 now
- is worth more than $1 next year).
- Net present value is a commonly-used method of evaluating
- projects or investments, or of comparing two investments with
- different cash flow characteristics. (Another measure is the rate
- of return, usually calculated as the discount rate which reduces
- the net present value of the cash flow to zero. See the ROR
- worksheet for a discussion of rate of return.)
- This worksheet will calculate the net present value of a cash
- flow at a number of discount rates. You can produce a plot of the
- cash flow and cumulative cash flow by period. And you can produce
- a plot of the net present value against the discount rate. The
- discount rate at which this latter graph crosses the X axis is the
- internal rate of return of the cash flow (see the ROR worksheet).
- 2.1 Overview
- The main menu of the NPV worksheet offers you seven options
- (plus Quit). They are:
- Input
- This option allows you to enter cash flow values and
- discount rates. It presents a sub-menu from which to select
- the data you want to input.
- Blank
- This option blanks out the input and results areas of the
- worksheet, after receiving confirmation this is what you
- intend. It is useful for clearing out all data before
- entering an entirely new cash flow.
- Calc
- The calc option performs all calculations. You must use
- this option whenever you change data or enter new data.
- Results
- When you select this option, you are presented a sub menu
- allowing you to choose between the cash flow and the net
- present value areas. The only essential difference is in
- the set of column headings the program freezes as you scroll
- through the data.
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- Graph
- This worksheet offers two main graphs. You can plot the
- cash flow and cumulative cash flow by period; and you can
- plot the net present values against the discount rates.
- Print
- This option sends the cash flow and net present value data
- to your printer, after a pause for paper alignment.
- Agenda
- If you select this option, and confirm it when requested,
- the current worksheet is lost and replaced by the main
- worksheet selection agenda. You can then load another
- worksheet. Note confirmation is required before this option
- proceeds, because it overwrites the worksheet in memory.
- 2.2 Input Details
- Choosing the Input option from the main menu leads to a sub
- menu with three options - Cashflow, Periods/Yr, and DiscRate.
- Each option allows you to enter part of the data.
- The Cashflow option allows you to enter cash flow values by
- period. This option places the cell pointer at the top of the
- cash flow column and moves it down one cell each time you press
- the Enter key. Thus, if you want to enter the entire cash flow,
- simply type each number in turn and press the Enter key after each
- one. Please note the following:
- - A value must be entered for each period covering the
- entire duration of the project and starting at period
- zero. If the cash flow value for a particular period is
- zero, enter zero. Do not leave the cell blank.
- - Period zero is now, period one is one period (year,
- month, or whatever) hence.
- - Cash outflows must be entered as negative numbers; cash
- inflows must be entered as positive numbers.
- If you don't want to enter the whole cash flow (for example,
- if you want to adjust a cash flow you've already entered) you may
- use the cursor movement keys to place the cell pointer on any
- number you want to change, and re-type it in normal 1-2-3 fashion.
- When you press the Enter key, the macro will move the cell pointer
- down one row.
- The macro which drives this process has no way of knowing
- when you've finished entering or changing data. When you have
- finished, you must break out of the macro and re-invoke the input
- menu. To do this, hold down the Ctrl key and press the Break key.
- The CTL flag at the top of the screen will go out, indicating
- you've broken out of the macro. Then hold down the Alt key and
- press I to invoke the input menu.
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- The Periods/Yr option accepts the number of periods that
- correspond to a year. If you have annual data, you must enter 1.
- If you have monthly data, enter 12. This parameter is used to
- convert the discount rates from the annual values you enter to
- values applicable to periods. Thus, whatever the periods your
- data represents, you always enter discount rates as annual values.
- The third choice in the input menu is DiscRate. It allows
- you to enter annual discount rates for which the worksheet is to
- calculate the net present value. Enter the rates as percentages.
- Do not use the % key or convert to a decimal (for example, to
- enter 20%, type 20 and press the Enter key). It's a good idea to
- include zero in the set of discount rates, because this gives the
- straight sum of the cash flow values - a figure you can calculate
- independently to check your data entry.
- 2.3 Graph Details
- This worksheet can produce two different graphs on either the
- color or monochrome display. Each graph can take the form of a
- line graph, a bar chart, or a scatter graph (points without
- connecting lines). These are selected by means of a menu with
- four choices.
- The Cashflow option displays a graph of the cash flow by
- period. The form of the graph will be the same as the one that
- was last displayed. The NPV option displays a graph of the net
- present value against the discount rate. This shows you how the
- net present value behaves as future values are discounted more or
- less heavily. The discount rate (if any) at which the graph
- crosses the X-axis represents the rate which reduces the net
- present value of the cash flow to zero. This is known as the
- internal rate of return of the cash flow.
- The Type option presents a sub-menu from which you can select
- the form of the graph. The three choices are Line, Bar, and
- Scatter. Each choice will immediately re-display the last graph
- in the selected form, then return to the graph menu.
- The final choice - Options - allows you to choose the Color
- or monochrome (B&W) monitor for the display. Again, each choice
- re-displays the last graph on the selected device.
- 3.1 A Simple Investment
- This example shows how the net present value varies with
- discount rate when the cash flow is well-behaved. You have been
- given the opportunity to purchase a note for $15,000. The note
- will return $5,000 at the end of the first year, $7,000 at the end
- of the second year, and $9,000 at the end of the third year. What
- is the net present value of this investment at various discount
- rates?
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- Keystroke Comments
- {ENTER} Select the Input option from the main menu.
- P 1 {ENTER} Select the Periods/Yr option from the input menu,
- and enter the number of periods per year (the data
- is annual)
- C Select the Cashflow option from the input menu.
- The cell pointer will go to the top of the cash
- flow column.
- -15000 {ENTER} Enter the value for period zero (now). Since this
- is a payment (ie. a cash outflow) its value is
- entered as a negative number. When you press the
- ENTER key, the cell pointer moves down to the next
- cell in the column.
- 5000 {ENTER} Enter the value returned at the end of the first
- year. This is a cash inflow.
- 7000 {ENTER} Enter the value returned at the end of the second
- year.
- 9000 {ENTER} Enter the value returned at the end of the third
- year.
- {Ctrl}{Break} To terminate the input loop, hold down the Ctrl
- key and press the Break key. The CMD flag at the
- top of the screen will go out.
- {Alt} I To re-invoke the input menu, hold down the Alt key
- and press I.
- D Select the DiscRate option to enter the discount
- rates, as annual percentages. The cell pointer
- will move to the top cell in the discount rate
- column.
- 0 {ENTER} The net present value at zero percent is the sum
- of the cash flow items. In this example, it's
- easy to check your input by eye, but you may want
- to get into the habit of always entering zero in
- the discount rate column to give you a total cash
- flow, which you could check independently.
- 5 {ENTER} Enter the remaining discount rates.
- 10 {ENTER}
- 15 {ENTER}
- 20 {ENTER}
- 25 {ENTER}
- 30 {ENTER}
- {Ctrl}{Break} As for the cash flow column, hold down the Ctrl
- key and press Break to terminate the input loop.
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- {Alt} I Then hold down the Alt key and press I to re-
- invoke the input menu.
- Q Return to the main menu
- C Select the Calc option in the main menu. The net
- present values will be calculated
- G Select the Graph option from the main menu.
- text {ENTER} Whenever you enter the graph menu, the system will
- ask you to enter a second title line for the
- graphs. You may leave this line blank, or enter
- any short description. To get rid of an existing
- description before typing a new one, press the Esc
- key.
- N This option displays a graph of the net present
- value against the discount rates. Press any key
- to return to the graph menu.
- T L If the graph is not already a line graph, you can
- go to the Type sub-menu to specify a line graph.
- The graph will be re-displayed. Press any key to
- return to the graph menu.
- The line graph shows that the net present value of the cash
- flow is zero at a discount rate of about 17%. This is the
- internal rate of return of the cash flow. You should buy the note
- if this rate of return is sufficiently high, bearing in mind all
- other factors (such as security).
- 3.2 An Accelerated Income Project
- Many projects in the resources industry are aimed at
- accelerating resource recoveries. This leads to increased cash
- flows in early years, followed by compensating decreased cash
- flows in later years. Thus the cash flow consists of a series of
- outflows (the investment), followed by a series of inflows (the
- increased cash flows) followed by another series of outflows (the
- reduced cash flows). This is not a 'well-behaved' cash flow. The
- NPV worksheet can illustrate how the net present value of such a
- cash flow varies with discount rate.
- You are considering the value of an enhanced recovery
- project. The immediate cost of this project is $600. It will
- increase cash flows in the next three years by $800, $500, and
- $200 respectively. In the three years after that, however, cash
- flows will be reduced by $200, $500, and $800 respectively. You
- need to know the net present value of this project at various
- rates of return.
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- Keystroke Comments
- {ENTER} Select the first option - Input - from the main
- menu.
- P 1 {ENTER} Enter the number of periods per year (the data is
- annual).
- C Select the Cashflow option from the input menu.
- The cell pointer will go to the top cell of the
- cash flow column.
- -600 {ENTER} Enter the initial investment (in period zero).
- The cell pointer will automatically move down to
- the next period when you press the Enter key.
- 800 {ENTER} Enter the increases in cash flow values in the
- 500 {ENTER} first three years.
- 200 {ENTER}
- -200 {ENTER} Enter the decreases in cash flow values in the
- -500 {ENTER} next three years.
- -800 {ENTER}
- {Ctrl}{Break} When all the cash flow values have been entered,
- hold down the Ctrl key and press the Break key to
- break out of the macro.
- Alt I To re-invoke the input menu, hold down the Alt key
- and press I.
- D Select the DiscRates option in the input menu to
- enter discount rates. The cell pointer will go to
- the top cell in the discount rates column.
- 0 {ENTER} Enter the discount rates, as annual percentages
- 5 {ENTER} Each time you press the Enter key, the cell
- 10 {ENTER} pointer will move down to the next cell in the
- 15 {ENTER} column.
- 20 {ENTER}
- 25 {ENTER}
- 30 {ENTER}
- 35 {ENTER}
- 40 {ENTER}
- 45 {ENTER}
- 50 {ENTER}
- 55 {ENTER}
- 60 {ENTER}
- 65 {ENTER}
- 70 {ENTER}
- 75 {ENTER}
- 80 {ENTER}
- 85 {ENTER}
- 90 {ENTER}
- 95 {ENTER}
- 100 {ENTER}
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- {Ctrl}{Break} When you have entered all the discount rates, hold
- down the Ctrl key and press the Break key to break
- out of the input loop.
- {Alt} I To re-invoke the input menu, hold down the Alt key
- and type I.
- Q Return to the main menu.
- C Invoke the calculations.
- G Select the graph option from the main menu.
- text {ENTER} Each time you invoke the graph menu, it asks you
- to enter the second title line for the graphs.
- You may enter any short description. To remove an
- existing description before typing a new one,
- press the Esc key.
- N Select the NPV option in the graph menu to display
- a graph of the net present value against the
- annual discount rates. Press any key to return to
- the graph menu.
- T L Specify the type of graph as a line graph. The
- graph will immediately be re-displayed. Press any
- key to return to the graph menu.
- Q Return to the main menu
- Q Exit to 1-2-3 READY mode. To return to the main
- menu, hold down the Alt key and type M.
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- Menu Tree for NPV Worksheet
- Input - Input periods/year, cash flow, and discount rates
- . Periods/Yr - Enter number of periods per year
- . Cashflow - Enter cash flow values by period
- . DiscRate - Enter annual discount rates (%)
- . Quit - Return to main menu
- Blank - Blank out all input areas
- . No - Do not erase data. Return to main menu
- . Yes - Erase all input data and results
- Calc - Calculate Results
- Results - Display Results
- . Cashflow - Display cashflow figures and column headings
- . . Down - Scroll down one screen
- . . Up - Scroll up one screen
- . . Quit - Return to results menu
- . NPV - Display net present values and column headings
- . . Down - Scroll down one screen
- . . Up - Scroll up one screen
- . . Quit - Return to results menu
- . Quit - Return to main menu
- Graph - Plot graphs of cashflow and/or results
- . Cashflow - Display graph of cashflow and cumulative cashflow
- . NPV - Display graph of net present values
- . Type - Set type of graph
- . . Line - Display a line graph
- . . Bar - Display a bar chart
- . . Scatter - Display a scatter chart
- . Options - Set color or monochrome display option
- . . Color - Display graph in color
- . . B&W - Display graph in monochrome
- . Quit - Return to main menu
- Print - Print Results
- Agenda - Return to Worksheet Selection Agenda
- . No - Do not leave this worksheet. Return to main menu
- . Yes - Leave this worksheet. Load the selection agenda
- Quit - Exit to 1-2-3 READY mode
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